Due to a change in banking legislation, from March 2022 all card payments must be 3D secure in line with 3DS2 compliance. This means all payments are authorised at the time of booking.
When booking on the app we previously performed an ‘active card check’ at the time of booking. This was due to your taxi fare being determined by time and mileage on the meter therefore the exact price is not known until the end of your journey. For this reason, we will authorise your estimated fare + 30% to allow for any waiting time or vias and refund any difference once your journey has been completed. Should the price on the meter at the end of your journey be higher than this pre-authorised amount, your payment will decline, and you will be asked by the driver to make payment, by either cash or card machine in the taxi.
We will immediately cancel this authorisation hold if your journey is not completed, the amount may show as pending until released by your bank. Banks handle pending charges differently and may hold these funds for a few days, we are not able to speed up the release of funds.
We appreciate your patience in getting used to this new process which may not be as efficient as our previous process, but this change was necessary in line with banking regulations for your financial security.